Sunday, February 13, 2011

Starting Over

When learning the skills of caring for a baby, I discovered that some new rules apply.

The first is, The old rules don't apply.

Or, forget what you know.

I found it difficult to accept that, although I had a college degree, various ministry experiences, 7 years in the corporate world, and 3 years of marriage behind me, I was in a new "classroom."  And little of what I had learned or experienced in those settings applied.  It was like going back to Kindergarten with a huge new syllabus awaiting me.

Welcome to Motherhood 101.

When you are in your 30's, have gotten married, and experienced a career, you may begin to think you have found your way in the big, grown-up world.  You are on your feet.  You aren't living under Mom and Dad's roof.  You commute.  You know your way around the kitchen.  You host houseguests.

You don't expect to go from having your ducks in a row to feeling like a chicken with your head cut off overnight.  But it can happen!  It felt like starting over in a brand new world, this caring for a new little person.  There was so, so much to learn.

Did any of you feel this way after having your first baby?

{In my next post, I will share the biggest, sanity-restoring secret I discovered in the whole process.}


heather nelson @ said...

Umm, absolutely YES! I have felt like this daily ...

Miss G said...

oh I know, I know, I know! I was just thinking this week that this first year of mothering reminds me somewhat of my first year of teaching. Kelly

p.s. I'm not sure how I found your blog in the first place, quite possibly from a comment on another blog as I came over to your decluttering post where your friend overseas challenged you. Kelly

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